There are a million details that these two, along with their planner, paid attention to but I think my very favorite was the record album seating chart! Vinyl lovers? So good, right?? They also gave themselves enough coverage to meander gently through the day. I was with them for an entire 10 hours and that opportunity meant that we could…
It’s no secret that I love a good old fashioned belly laugh. It’s literally my super power and the reason my husband fell in love with me. A few other things that I love are dancing and more dancing. This crowd is apparently in full agreement…
Lovers fall in love every day but these two have fire like few others. Ashley & David married in the rolling hills of Northern California’s Sonoma County. It was vibrant and rich and full of Fall’s deep colors and their guests smiled and laughed for the full 10 hours I was there and I’m guess only got brighter as the evening went on. Magic guys, magic.
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